2017 February Presentations Skills Class in Sunny Miami, Florida

Doug Staneart  |  02/20/17
last updated

2017 February Presentations Skills Class in Sunny Miami, Florida I recently had the pleasure of conducting a fabulous presentation skills class for a handful of professionals in sunny Miami, Florida. Although we call our class Fearless Presentations®, it offers much more than just a way to reduce public speaking fear. In fact, many professional business people who attend the class amaze themselves with the significant improvement they achieve in their presentation skills in just two days.

This program in Miami was really fun because we had a great mix of people from different industries and cultures. We also had participants from locations all across the map.

For instance, the current Jamaican Ambassador to the United States attended. She is currently stationed at the Jamaican Embassy in Washington, DC. Additionally, two participants from Texas enrolled in this presentation skills class. (They missed the last class in Dallas, TX.) Another works for The History Channel and A&E, discovering new programming for their channels in South and Central America. Lastly, a scientist joined us, focusing on research and development for life-saving healthcare breakthroughs.

This Presentation Skills Class in Miami Had a Variety of Industry Experts.

About halfway through the class, Audrey, the Ambassador (who incidentally is also the CEO of eight different companies she founded in Jamaica), expressed fascination with the expertise in the room. She said, “Everyone has a fascinating story about how they got to where they are.”

She is absolutely correct. One of the great things about classes like these is that they help people with similar challenges (such as nervousness speaking in front of a group) overcome these obstacles together and build camaraderie along the way.

You never know. A&E may develop a new show in Central America featuring a certain former politician turned talk-show host. (That would not surprise me.)

For details about upcoming presentation skills classes in Miami, please visit the link to the right.

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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