February 2013 Public Speaking Class in Denver, Colorado

Doug Staneart  |  02/04/13
last updated

Fearless Presentations® in Denver, CO provides participants with tools to improve the quality of presentations.

February 2013 Public Speaking class in Denver, Colorado A few participants in this public speaking class wanted to learn some new techniques for designing speeches. They were most interested in how to design short speeches where they have to cover a lot of content — especially technical content. So, on the second day of class, the group each began to design a simple, short presentation. They started with a simple three-point presentation. Then, as we continued the class, we made the presentations more challenging.

One participant commented that she was so engaged in listening to one of the participants she forgot that the presenter was following a structure that had just been provided.

We also showed the group how to avoid death by PowerPoint. Most of us have been through presentations that are painful to sit through, since the presentation is more about the PowerPoint slides than the presenter. We designed the public speaking class to help with structuring presentations in a way that is memorable to the audience. (No one wants to deliver — or sit through — a boring speech.)

The Fearless Presentations ® public speaking class comes to Denver, Colorado approximately every four months. This 2-day public speaking class also comes to cities across the country year-round. It’s a very wise investment for both peace of mind and career!

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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