June 2015 Fearless Presentations in Tampa, Florida

Abigail Walsh  |  06/28/15
last updated

In Tampa, Florida on June 25, 2015 a small group of industry specialists got together to alleviate the  anxiety of public speaking fears, learn new presentation techniques and gain confidence in their ability to present concise presentations. “The presentation preparation tips were huge and help a lot with alleviating my anxiety”; “This made it very easy to practice the techniques for public speaking. It also made the class very active and I would recommend this class to my friends and colleagues”. The Fearless Presentations ® class is extremely effective in helping their participants to organize their presentations to be highly persuasive while not saying too much.

A smaller class provides an atmosphere that is more relaxed and helps the participant feel more relaxed so in the end they achieve more success. The Fearless Presentations Public Speaking Workshop is centered on the philosophy is that we have to have right attitude to develop a new skill, we must learn the proper techniques to be a great presenter, and to practice the new skills, “ I liked the videotaping, as it made me realize that I don’t look as bad as I thought ”.  The group learned a lot from the adding enthusiasm exercise, sometimes by doing things a little differently can achieve different and positive results.  All expressed success in addressing their fear of public speaking. It was a great group, very enthusiastic, funny, and outspoken. “I left feeling comfortable to test the skills and knowledge that I gained through the sessions”; The instructor was outstanding in her ability to deliver the material with enthusiasm”

author Abigail Walsh
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