Category: Free Public Speaking Tips

5 Tips for Building a Sales Team From Your Technical Experts
5 Tips for Building a Sales Team From Your Technical Experts Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

Sometimes, you have no choice but to build a sales team from your technical experts. This is often the case when bidding on contracts that last several years. After all, the client wants to ensure they’ll enjoy working with you for all that time! But here’s the challenge: while technical professionals excel at understanding complex…

How to Help Your Subject Matter Experts Stay Calm During a Sales Presentation
How to Help Your SMEs Stay Calm During a Sales Presentation Free Public Speaking Tips

Subject matter experts (SMEs) are often the backbone of B2B sales pitches—so it’s crucial they stay calm during a sales presentation. After all, they have deep technical knowledge and the ability to address specific problems faced by your clients. However, while SMEs are skilled in their fields, many are inexperienced in the nuances of public…

Get Really Good at Using Case Studies (Your Past Successes) to Build Credibility and Reduce Nervousness Exponentially
Get Really Good at Using Case Studies (Your Past Successes) to Build Credibility and Reduce Nervousness Exponentially Free Public Speaking Tips

A contractor in Maryland had an opportunity to remodel a historic church that was over 100 years old. His competition for the project were some of the largest General Contractors in the world. So, he knew that if he wanted to win the contract, he was going to have to do something totally different than…

Perfect Presentation Handouts
How to Create the Perfect Presentation Handout Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts, presentation skills

You’ve been asked to give a speech, and you’re excited to give the best presentation possible. You put all kinds of preparation into putting together an amazing presentation and finding the perfect examples to prove your points. Your conference presentation is infused with memorable anecdotes, terrific insights, great visuals, and even a wry joke here…

What Causes the Fear of Public Speaking?
What Causes the Fear of Public Speaking and How to Overcome this Fear Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

What causes the fear of public speaking? Why do I get heart palpitations? I mean, I like to think of myself as being an expert in your field (at least within my own company.) And I know what I’m talking about. After all, I’ve worked in my field for years. I’ve done my research. So,…

Want a Career as a Public Speaker How to Become a Professional Speaker
How to Become a Motivational Speaker and Get Paid to Speak Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

It’s easy to develop a career as a public speaker if you’re already a celebrity. If your last name is Trump or Schwarzenegger, you will have no problem getting people to pay you to speak. However, that is not the only way to become a professional speaker. In this post, I will share with you…