Category: Free Public Speaking Tips

How to Make a Speech More Interesting 7 Presentation Ideas
How to Make a Speech More Interesting: 7 Presentation Ideas Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

Want to make a speech more interesting? Want to elevate your presentation? Maybe you have written a great presentation, but now you want to make it phenomenal. These seven stellar presentation enhancers will help you make any speech more interesting. In this post, Doug Staneart breaks down his public speaking “Impact Ideas” that can be…

Metaphors, Similes, and Analogies The Special Sauce for Your Presentation
Metaphors, Similes, and Analogies: The Special Sauce for Your Presentation Masterpiece Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

Metaphors, Similes, and Analogies are your secret weapon when you create presentations. I like to think of myself as a pretty good speaker and writer. I always hated English class in high school and college, though. So, I always got confused between what was a metaphor, what was a simile, and what was an analogy….

5 Practical Tips to Help you Overcome Stage Fright
5 Practical Tips to Help you Overcome Stage Fright & Reduce Performance Anxiety Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

Want to overcome stage fright for good? Do you experience dry mouth, rapid breathing, and sweaty palms when you present in front of a crowd? If so, these five practical tips can help you lower that level of anxiety in less than a week. Whether or not it’s your first time preparing for a speech…

How to Write a Speech in Just a Few Simple Steps
How to Write a Speech in Just a Few Simple Steps Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

Looking for how to write a speech in a few simple steps? Over the last 20 years, our instructors have dissected thousands of speeches. In that time, we’ve been able to identify simple things that can easily make or break a presentation. We’ve assembled a simple, step-by-step process that explains how to write a speech…

10 Simple Ways to Get Over the Fear of Public Speaking Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

In this session, I’m going to cover 10 simple ways to overcome the fear of public speaking. This is a continuation of the 3-step process to eliminate public speaking fear. In that episode, I showed you the process that a nervous speaker should go through to reduce speech anxiety. As a review, the first step…

Eliminate Public speaking Fear in 3 Easy Steps
Eliminate Public Speaking Fear in Three Easy Steps Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

When folks ask me what I do for a living, I answer, “I help people eliminate public speaking fear.” It is always fun to watch the looks on their faces when they process what I said. Inevitably, I will typically get a response like, “You do what?” or “How do you do that?” The process…