Category: Free Public Speaking Tips

How to Find Public Speaking Gigs and Get Paid to Speak with Grant Baldwin
How to Find Public Speaking Gigs and Get Paid to Speak with Grant Baldwin Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

I recently interviewed Grant Baldwin of The Speakers Lab about how to find public speaking gigs and get paid to speak. The interview was fascinating. Grant gives five simple steps for booking public speaking gigs and getting paid to speak. He also talks a lot about how to build your platform, so you are seen…

Make TED talks Viral
5 Strategies for Creating TED Talks to Make Your TED Talk Go Viral Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

Congratulations! You’ve been invited to give a TED talk. This non-profit talk series is the gold standard of speeches, so you should be honored to be on the event’s roster. Not to mention, how great it will look on your resume and website. You’ve undoubtedly been chosen because you’re an expert in your field be…

The 5 Steps of Storytelling-How to Tell a Great Story in a Presentation
The 5 Steps of Storytelling – How to Tell a Great Story in a Presentation Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

Great speakers know how to tell a great story. This post will give you the five key steps of storytelling that these great speakers know. This is a continuation of the post about how inserting stories into your presentations reduces public speaking fear. I mentioned a recent class member who told me that he just…

Start Your Own Public Speaking Company from Scratch
Start Your Own Public Speaking Company from Scratch Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

This is part five of a five-part series about how to start a public speaking career. In the past episodes, we focused on how to use public speaking within your current career, both as an income stream and as marketing. We also covered a session on how to become a professional speaker for an established…

Presenters can deliver bad news
How Presenters can Deliver Bad News with Poise Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

Public speaking can be difficult at the best of times. It’s hard to overcome the nervousness involved with speaking in front of a roomful of people. Of course, you also have to make sure that your voice is clear enough and loud enough that people at the very back can hear what you’re saying. Then…

Remember Stories from Your Life to Insert into Presentations
Remember Stories from Your Life to Insert into Presentations Free Public Speaking Tips, Podcasts

This “remember stories from your life” post is part three of a three-part series about how to tell stories in your speech. In the first two posts, we talked about the value of stories. If you recall, statistics and data are forgotten quickly and lead your audience to play “Devil’s advocate.” However, stories build rapport…