2016 January Public Speaking Class in Austin, Texas

Doug Staneart  |  01/15/16
last updated

2016 January Public Speaking Class in Austin, Texas Deep in the heart of Texas, a lively public speaking class unfolded. We had five eager participants come to conquer speaking fear. Nestled near the state Capitol, where decisions shape the state’s destiny, this group made a decision of their own. They decided to make a change in the new year!

This class was more than just a typical training session, though. It was a dynamic experience, designed for learning, growth, and a dash of Texan charm.

The participants came from totally different industries. But the class was the perfect backdrop for setting new year goals and reaching new heights in communication.

The Fearless Presentations® class is quite different from other public speaking classes, though. We offer a hands-on approach. People learn by doing. So, the group dived into activities that made learning fun and effective. We also guided the class through the art of storytelling, revealing the secret sauce that captivates an audience. The participants, like explorers discovering uncharted territories, navigated the realms of effective communication.

New Year Kicks Off with a Fun Public Speaking Class in Austin, TX.

Amid laughter and shared victories, confidence blossomed. Each participant, much like the Lone Star State itself, stood tall and embraced the spotlight. The Fearless Presentations® class wasn’t just about overcoming fears; it was about crafting a path to success in public speaking.

The participants left the class with more than just certificates. They left with the tools to shine in any speech.

And so, against the backdrop of the Capitol city, the Fearless Presentations® journey continued. Each participant left equipped and inspired for the exciting year that lay ahead.

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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