September 2009 Public Speaking Class in Baltimore, Maryland

Doug Staneart  |  09/04/09
last updated

September 2009 Public Speaking Class in Baltimore, Maryland We had a really fun public speaking class in Baltimore, MD for 16 people a couple of days ago. Participants came from Philadelphia, Washington DC, and greater Maryland to attend the class.

Most of the group came to the presentation class to reduce nervousness. However, they were surprised at how much more entertaining their presentation became when they could focus on the speech versus their jitters.

Fearless Presentations ® is a two-day presentation skills class that has three part. Part one helps you reduce public speaking fear and stage fright. Then, in part two, we help you create a more concise and persuasive presentation. Finally, on the second day, we help you create a powerful speech from scratch.

Most participants are pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy presenting can be when you know a few secrets. We welcome you to come to one of our upcoming classes!

We’ve been offering classes like this for the last seven years in cities all over the world. To see a list of upcoming public speaking classes near you, click this link. For details about the content of the presentation class, click here.

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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