Presentation Styles

The Fearless Presentations ® Podcast Episodes and Show Notes

Access any of the other 200+ Fearless Presentations ® Podcast Episodes by Clicking Here. Show Notes for each episode are below from newest to oldest. To find the show notes for a specific episode, just type the title of the episode into the search bar. Subscribe to the podcast by searching for "Fearless Presentations Podcast" on any podcast platform.

Presentation Styles
Presentation Styles Podcasts, presentation skills

Presentation Styles and How They Differ from Presentation Types – Identify Your Strengths as a Presenter to Impress Your Audience Ask most presentation skill experts what the ideal presentation style is, and you will likely get a variety of answers. Am I supposed to start with a story? Am I supposed to tell jokes? Are…

Design and Style Great Handouts
Make Your Handouts Look Great Without a Graphic Designer Podcasts, presentation skills

Make Your Presentation Handouts Look Professional without a Graphic Designer Last week was part one of How to Create the Perfect Presentation Handout. In that article and podcast, I gave you three easy ways to create helpful handouts to accompany your in-person presentations. This week, I’m going to show you how to style your presentation…

How to Recover from a Terrible Speech
How to Recover from a Terrible Speech (Bombing on Stage) Podcasts, presentation skills

How to recover after giving a terrible public speaking performance and bombing on stage – how I did it after a disastrous speech in college, and how you can too. Ever have one of those situations where you are asked to do some public speaking, and things just don’t go well? Whether it is from public speaking fear or presentation anxiety, or if the poor performance just came from preparing for your speech in an inproper way, it happens. Even public speaking pros can bomb a speech. These are a few things that you can do to recover.

Importance of Self-Confidence
People Judge Your Competence by the Confidence that You Show Podcasts, presentation skills

The Importance of Self-Confidence People will judge our COMPETENCE by the CONFIDENCE that we show. For example, let’s say that you are going in for surgery, and just before you go under, the surgeon walks into your room. His posture is slouching, as he speaks, he stumbles over his words somewhat, and when you look…

A Great Presentation has a Fractal Structure
A Great Presentation has a Fractal Structure Podcasts

A few days ago, I started watching a Netflix documentary on how fractal mathematics helped start Pixar. (Yes, I watch really boring stuff on Netflix, but in my defense, I was watching it in bed, at night, trying to go to sleep. It worked.) We have always had fantastic success teaching people how to design…

Stage Fight Punch Public Speaking Fears in the Face
Podcast 26 Stage Fight, Punch Public Speaking Fear in the Face with Cody Smith Podcasts

In the podcast this week, I interview Cody Smith who is the author of the book Stage Fight — How to Punch Public Speaking Fears in the Face. It is a hilarious interview where Cody tells about all of the trials and tribulations that he experienced trying to overcome public speaking fear. Have fun listening…