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November 2009 Public Speaking Class in Washington DC
November 2009 Public Speaking Class in Washington DC Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

A group of ten people in our nation’s capital became fearless presenters last week. We held another Fearless Presentations ® public speaking class in Washington, DC. And the group who attended were a lot of fun and had significantly different backgrounds. It always amazes me how getting better at speaking in front of a group…

Audiences are Selfish
Audiences Are Selfish presentation skills

You would think that your profound thoughts and words would be enough to make anyone listen. You want to tell them everything you know about the subject. You worked on your speech or presentation, put in some great language, big dollar words, that will make them understand that you are very smart. And let’s not…

September 2009 Presentation Class in Boston, MA
September 2009 Presentation Class in Boston, MA Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

We had another epic presentations skills class in Boston, Massachusetts last month. I had a blast working with eight up-and-coming presenters. (Who are now fearless!) We started the two-day presentation class by helping the group reduce nervousness. I covered 10 simple ways to get rid of those jitters and feel more comfortable. Then, later in…

Chris Carouthers Law Firm Custom Presentation Class in Atlanta, Georgia
Chris Carouthers Law Firm Custom Presentation Class in Atlanta, Georgia Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

A team from Chris Carouthers & Associates had one of our instructors create a custom presentation class for their Atlanta office. Eleven of their bankruptcy specialists participated in the public speaking class. Chris Carouthers & Associates is a top-notch law firm specializing in legal assistance and debt relief. Specifically, they focus on Chapter 7 and…

September 2009 Presentation Skills Class in Atlanta, Georgia
September 2009 Presentation Skills Class in Atlanta, Georgia Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

We have six new fearless presenters in Atlanta, Georgia. They completed the two-day Fearless Presentations ® class in September of 2009. This is the seventh year that we have been offering world-class presentation classes in Atlanta and throughout the Southwest. We had class members from CNN, Home Depot, and even the CDC attend this class….

Audience Participation in Business Presentations Engages all Senses
Audience Participation in Business Presentations Inspires the Senses presentation skills

Communication has changed. My dad grew up listening to the radio. The family would gather around and sit attentively as the radio broadcast news, variety shows, and serials. I grew up with television. Not only did I have something to listen to, but my eyes were involved as well. My kids grew up with Atari;…