2023 Public Speaking Workshop in Chicago, Illinois

Doug Staneart  |  08/12/23

2023 Public Speaking Workshop in Chicago, Illinois We had a small but spunky public speaking workshop in Chicago, Illinois this week! This is the first presentation class that we have conducted in Chicago since the pandemic. So, it was really nice to get back to our office in downtown Chicago!

If you have been keeping up with out post on social media and blog, you’ll notice a trend. In many of the Southern states, demand for presentation classes has increased steadily over the last couple of years. We’ve conducted a number of classes in Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, and Charlotte. We’ve even had classes in Philadelphia, Denver, and Washington, DC. However, many of the bigger cities in the Northern States have lagged behind.

So we are very excited to see Chicago break from the mold! We expect that demand for the next public speaking workshop in Chicago to grow higher and higher. (As we’ve seen in other cities since the pandemic broke.)

We Had a Great Public Speaking Workshop in Chicago, IL this Week.

One of the advantages for participating in a smaller public speaking classes in the additional coaching from the instructor. In fact, one of the presenters, a CEO of a number of companies, was preparing to deliver a wedding toast at his daughter’s wedding. Since we had additional time in the class, we were able to help him create a killer toast!

A good public speaking class is really the best way to become a more comfortable public speaker. It is a controlled environment. SO participants get a chance to practice speaking without the risk of failure. Plus, just like in this public speaking workshop, the coach can adjust the content to the specific needs of each class member.

If you want to conquer your presentation jitters, make sure to register for the next public speaking class in Chicago. Or, look for a presentation class in your area on our seminar page.

author Doug Staneart
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Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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