Above all else, do not sweat. No one likes shine on TV…and try, try not to stumble. See, I told you it was easy. Not!
The problem is that Viewers are really fickle. It takes them less than 20 seconds to hit the next reel or YouTube video. Talk about a stressful job interview!
Except for the Camera, the Interview Is Just Like Any Other Presentation.
Tell stories that will get my attention. Tell the story behind the facts. Help me get to know the person living the issue. Explore the issue through her eyes.
Be clear and concise. Get to the point! No one has time for rambling, and please don’t confuse me.
Deliver your message with energy passion. Infuse the presentation with energy, and persuade me to fall in love with the issue.
Now the caveat – forget the camera, while it records every stray-hair, slip of the tongue, and silly question that sometimes leaks out when the red light turns on.
This Secret Tip Will Help When Speaking To An Audience Or to A Camera.
Promise expertise, energy, passion and depth – and deliver on the promise. Every audience is assailed with zillions of images and messages every day. As a presenter, you are competing against everything from Smart Phones to the sleep deprived person who stayed up all night sending proposals and email to clients trying to land the next big job. Your audience needs to feel that you have something they need, that something exciting is about to happen. If you are passionate and excited about what you say – your audience will put down their cellphones and be excited with you.
Get a coach An experienced coach can help you check your nerves and make quick, substantial growth before you try out your presentation in front of an audience.
A good coach sees behind the presentation and works with you to get your “best self” in front of a group or camera.
Believe in yourself. Remember, You Are the Expert in the Conversation.
Let Yes I can, become your internal mantra. There is no room for self-doubt.
- Be who you naturally are. The best thing you can give any audience is yourself, so BE YOURSELF! No persona, no stand in personality, no “someone you would like to be like.”
- Take control of your nerves – How can you help people understand a topic or point when your nerves press against your voice box and threaten to make your voice crackle or make you sound like you are 15? It is all about psychology – yes you can!
- Tap the “caring emotional” part of your brain – the one that reassures you that you know the subject very well. Hold tight to the fact that you are prepared and have confidence that no one could do this better than you can.
Other than all that – it’s easy!