Category: presentation skills

Become a Certified Speaker for an Established Presentation Company Podcasts, presentation skills

We are continuing our series on How to Start a Public Speaking Career, and in this session, we will show a shortcut by working for an organization that is already established. While our first post mentioned a wide variety of approaches, one of the advantages of working with an established company is that the company…

Become a Professional Public Speaker by Speaking within Your Current Industry
Become a Professional Public Speaker by Speaking within Your Current Industry Podcasts, presentation skills

One of the easiest ways to become a professional public speaker is by speaking to groups within your current industry. In this article, we will show you a number of ways to get paid as a professional speaker without having to change careers. This article is a continuation of our previous article, How to Start…

Presenters can deliver bad news
How Presenters can Deliver Bad News with Poise Free Public Speaking Tips, presentation skills

Public speaking can be difficult at the best of times. It’s hard to overcome the nervousness involved with speaking in front of a roomful of people. Of course, you also have to make sure that your voice is clear enough and loud enough that people at the very back can hear what you’re saying. Then…

How to Overcome Glossophobia
How to Overcome Glossophobia (An Irrational Fear of Public Speaking) Podcasts, presentation skills

Want to know how to overcome glossophobia? Does stage fright sometimes make you pass up opportunities in your career? Do you feel like you have an irrational fear of public speaking? You are not alone! Glossophobia or the fear of public speaking is very common. I’ve been in the presentation skill industry for decades, now….

101 Public Speaking Tips presentation skills

This is our “Public Speaking 101” page. We are publishing it in honor of our 101st podcast. Below is a list of 101 public speaking tips to help you reduce stage fright and become more self-confident. Don’t try to memorize all 101 tips, and don’t try to apply every single one before your next presentation….

How to Present a Proposal to Management Podcasts, presentation skills

You have identified a problem or opportunity for your company. Now you need to get approval. So, how do you present a proposal to management that will get approved? The process is actually pretty simple. The method of how to present a proposal to management that we use works about 100% of the time. Just…