Public Speaking Class Comes to Los Angeles, California

chrismcneany  |  05/30/12
last updated

Public Speaking Class Comes to Los Angeles, California Public speaking class comes to Los Angeles, California.  The Leaders Institute® recently held its public speaking class in Los Angeles, California.  This was an extremely varied group, with participants in the health care industry, jewelry design, well servicing, and auto manufacturing, to name a few.

Because the group was so diverse, everyone was able to learn from other participants by seeing different styles of presenting.  One of the items the class covers is the strengths and weaknesses of different types of speakers.  The goal of the class is for everyone to maximize their strengths and improve upon their weaknesses.  Rather than coach the participants to present the same way, each individual is coached to utilize their own style and uniqueness when presenting.  This particular class had everyone from entry level employees to Vice Presidents of companies, which allowed for a great learning experience for all of the attendees.  By the end of the two-day public speaking class, everyone was able to vastly improve presentation skills.

The Leaders Institute® conducts its public speaking class in Los Angeles, California every three months, as well as all major cities across the United States.
Click Here for a list of Upcoming Fearless Presentations® Public Speaking Classes in Los Angeles, California

author chrismcneany
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