Tag: powerpoint tips

101 Public Speaking Tips presentation skills

This is our “Public Speaking 101” page. We are publishing it in honor of our 101st podcast. Below is a list of 101 public speaking tips to help you reduce stage fright and become more self-confident. Don’t try to memorize all 101 tips, and don’t try to apply every single one before your next presentation….

How to Deliver a Presentation that Someone Else Wrote
How to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation Designed by Someone Else presentation skills

Narrating a PowerPoint Presentation designed by someone else can be very challenging. In fact, one of the fastest ways to increase public speaking fear and make your PowerPoint presentations sound canned and… well boring, is to try to deliver a PowerPoint slideshow that someone else designed for you. This doesn’t mean that you can’t deliver…

7 of the Best PowerPoint Tips and Tricks for 2020 Podcasts

Technology changes every year. As a result, a good presenter needs to change as technology changes as well. In this episode, we cover seven of the best PowerPoint tips and tricks for 2020. If you want to avoid Death by PowerPoint, this episode can be a great help. Just as an FYI, though, these seven…

PowerPoint Tips
Power Point Tips presentation skills

The most frequently asked topic that we get questions on when we conduct public speaking training is always related to PowerPoint Tips. Because PowerPoint is so powerful, people tend to either get really good at all of the bells and whistles and overwhelm their audience, or they use PowerPoint as a crutch and rely on their slide deck too much making their presentation very boring. Below are the top 10 biggest Power Point Mistakes that we tend to make along with ways to overcome them.