2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio

Doug Staneart  |  11/11/23

2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio Colleen and I had an absolute blast leading the 2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio! We had eight people in this presentation class. We always say that presentation skills are important in any industry or profession. And that seemed to be true for this class.

The owner of a number of McDonald’s franchises and the owner of a $30 million HVAC company attended. We also had a recruiter for a veterinarian hospital. Two folks in the class organized tours for a local recycling company. One even worked in the pet food industry.

Also in the group, though, was a nice young lady who was in charge of training for her company. She has the difficult position of creating and organizing the training sessions for every position in the company. this creates a unique challenge for a presenter. A speaker will be more confident when she is speaking about content that she knows inside and out. In this case, though, she has to become the expert for every position in her company.

This Columbus, OH Presentation Class Gain Confidence with Great Practice.

The secret to presentation confidence is creating a series of successful speeches. So, in this class, we had each of the eight presenters master their presentations — a little at a time. We started with easy components of a long speech like introductions and stories. As each presenter stacked up success after success, the next presentations got easier and easier.

If you finally want to eliminate your presentation fear, make sure to attend the next presentation class in your area. Just like this nice group, you can also stack up a series of successes in front of a group. So instead of hearing the negative self-talk after your next speech, you’ll just hear fantastic applause from your audience!

author Doug Staneart
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Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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