Tag: Ohio

2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio
2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

Colleen and I had an absolute blast leading the 2023 November Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio! We had eight people in this presentation class. We always say that presentation skills are important in any industry or profession. And that seemed to be true for this class. The owner of a number of McDonald’s franchises…

Fearless Presentations Public Speaking Class in Cincinnati, Ohio Aug-26-2022
2022 August Public Speaking Class in Cincinnati, Ohio Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

I have to admit, I was a bit nostalgic in Cincinnati this week. For the first time since the pandemic hit, we taught a presentation class in Cincinnati, Ohio. Granted, this was a fairly small class. But the folks who attended were so fun to work with, I had an absolute blast coaching them. The…

March 2013 Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio
March 2013 Public Speaking Class in Columbus, Ohio Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

The Leader’s Institute® recently held a public speaking class in Columbus, Ohio for a small group of enthusiastic participants eager to improve public speaking skills. Participants in this class were especially interested in how to connect with an audience in presentations. A portion of the two-day public speaking class is devoted to looking at personality…

December 2012 Public Speaking Class in Cincinnati, Ohio
December 2012 Public Speaking Class in Cincinnati, Ohio Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

Public speaking class in Cincinnati inspires participants to create compelling presentations. The Leader’s Institute® recently braved the cold to hold a public speaking class in Cincinnati, Ohio. This was a smaller group, which allowed for plenty of feedback from a certified instructor throughout the two-day presentation class. Part of the lack of confidence that comes…

Public Speaking Class in Columbus, OH
Students in Columbus Learned to be Clear and Concise Past Fearless Presentations ® Classes

Participants in the Columbus, Ohio Fearless Presentations ® class learned the value and effectiveness of being clear and concise when speaking in front of a group.  Many people feel like they need to share everything they know about the topic they are speaking on. However, all they need to do is say just enough to…