The group was lively. In fact, I was the old man in the room. Most of the participants were just starting their careers. What an advantage they are going to have. People who can communicate with power and confidence are seen as “natural” leaders. So, these young people are on their way!
Most People Came to the Public Speaking Course in Washington, DC to Reduce Fear, But…
Most of the group admitted that they had a huge fear of speaking in front of a group — especially if their boss was in the room, etc. By the middle of the first day, though, they had all begun to come out of their shell. I think what they realized was that just because someone is older and has more experience, doesn’t mean they have any advantage over them. Their experience and knowledge is also valuable. And the better they get at communicating that wisdom to others, the more esteem their coworkers and clients will have for them.
So going through a two-day course like this allowed the group to practice presenting in a controlled environment. By the time the last person presented the final talk, they were all in agreement that the presentations they just sit through were far superior to ones the typically see in the business world.
Nice job new fearless presenter! You rock!
Want to be a fearless presenter as well? Click this link to access the upcoming public speaking course schedule. For details about the public speaking course content, click here. We can’t wait for you to join us!