Another Great Public Speaking Class in Denver, Colorado

Doug Staneart  |  06/03/16
last updated

Another Great Public Speaking Class in Denver, CO We just finished another great public speaking class in Denver, CO. The group was smaller than our normal mile-high presentation workshop. So, each participant got more one-on-one coaching from the instructor.

We held this class at our office in Cherry Creek. Just like all of our presentation skills classes, we started by helping the group get more comfortable when they stand to speak. Reducing nervousness is the first step to becoming a poised and polished presenter.

Then, as we assigned additional presentations, we made the assignments slightly more difficult than the last. That way, each presenter gained confidence in a simple step-by-step manner.

At the end of the first day, one of the class members said, “Man, time just flew by. I can’t believe how far we have come in just one day.” Then, by the end of the second day, that were all shocked by how professional each of the final presentation were.

If you want to reduce presentation jitters in a record amount of time, take a look at our upcoming schedule of presentation classes. If you want to see the schedule of presentation classes in Denver, click this link!

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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