October 2016 Fearless Presentations Class in Philadelphia, PA

Doug Staneart  |  10/31/16
last updated

October 2016 Fearless Presentations Class in Philadelphia, PA Nippy weather and rainy skies greeted us in Philadelphia as we kicked off our 2-day Fearless Presentations ® public speaking class in Philadelphia, PA. As usual, our group was a mix of different professions from different industries. The presenters’ industries ranged from an Ivy League University professor to a person who sells baked goods. We also had one participant from the healthcare industry.

Yet, each participant came for the same reason: to better get their message across to their respective audiences. Overcoming the fear of public speaking is a tough job but all of us got through it. We also learned the basics of storytelling and found that sharing your experience with your listener makes it easier to offer your advice and implement your suggestions. Participants also discovered that they did not need to be afraid of speaking to groups. Instead, through being creative and original, they could enjoy it. Asking for and getting change is one of the hardest things to do. Audience members often do not want to give up old behaviors and old ways of doing things. But with the right message, delivered the right way, it is possible to create change through being persuasive.

On day one, we learned the basics of a presentation, and on day two, we put those basics into action. We ended the presentation class with each person delivering their speeches from beginning to end with a tremendously clear improvement from when they first entered the class. Everyone went on to enjoy their weekend and looking forward to their next chance to give a talk. The Leaders Institute ® wishes you much success for your future presentations!

Want to Attend a Presentations Class in Philadelphia?

For a list of upcoming public speaking classes in Philadelphia, make sure and click this link! We’ll see you in our next class!

author Doug Staneart
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Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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