Public Speaking Class Returns to Los Angeles, California

Doug Staneart  |  08/04/12
last updated

Public Speaking Class Returns to Los Angeles, California

This Public Speaking class in Los Angeles makes presenters more confident in their abilities. The Leader’s Institute® conducted its Fearless Presentations® public speaking class in Los Angeles, California last week. We had a range of people from newcomers to seasoned veterans in their respective companies.
Some of the people in this class felt as though they have been held back in their careers because of public speaking anxiety. Others were starting a new position where they have to present more often. So, they were looking to sharpen their presentation skills.

One of the guys in the class had a really big presentation coming up. He wanted help organizing the speech. Of course, he also got to run through the big presentation until it was perfect.

Other presenters in the class felt as though they could be doing a better job of delivering more engaging presentations. They were looking for a place to practice with a good presentation coach.

By the end of the two-day class, several commented on how much they were looking forward to their next presentations!

Fearless Presentations® comes to Los Angeles, California every 3 months, and holds classes across the U.S. and Canada year-round. It truly is a life-changing experience for people looking for a very thorough, and enjoyable, public speaking class.

author Doug Staneart
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Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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