September 2012 Presentation Skills Class in San Diego, California

Doug Staneart  |  09/20/12
last updated

September 2012 Presentation Skills Class in San Diego, California Presentation skills class in San Diego breathes new life into presentations. The Leader’s Institute® returned to San Diego, California, to teach its two-day Fearless Presentations class. The class allowed professionals from all walks of life to improve their public speaking skills.

We had individuals from various fields including government, healthcare, and sales. A number of people came to the class to conquer their fear of public speaking. They surprised themselves at how far they had come over the course of just two days. Sometimes people will ask if they can really benefit from a 2-day class. The focus of the presentation class is on active participation. So, each class member was able to get up in front of the class repeatedly. The practice allowed them to master the presentation skills from the class. The class is an intensive 2-days filled with various exercises, so people are able to focus their energy on the task at hand. This keeps outside influences from interrupting the process.

The Leader’s Institute® conducts its presentation skills class. in cities across the U.S. and Canada throughout the year, and comes to San Diego, California every six months.

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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