Swarovski Presentation Skills Class in New York, NY

Doug Staneart  |  12/11/15
last updated

Swarovski Presentation Skills Class in New York, NY Key Account Managers (KAMs) at Swarovski’s New York Office gathered on December 10, 2015 and December 11, 2015 for a 2-day Fearless Presentations® in their NY office conference room. The training was arranged by the Senior Manager of Organizational Development & Brand Culture from the Rhode Island headquarters.

This Swarovski presentation skills class in New York was the first for this particular group. Individuals participating ranged in public speaking skills and presentation skills from quite new to presenting through very experienced. All participants were able to practice, learn new techniques, and up their public speaking game. Day one of the presentation class focused on helping the group become more comfortable and poised in front of a group. Day two was more customized for the particular group, and we focused on helping each participant design and develop their own individual business presentations.

Feedback from the Swarovski Presentation Skills Class participants included:

“I got more than what I expected from the course.”

“I was very excited to take this class and believe it will help me a lot in my field of work”.

“My confidence speaking in front of a group and my ability to present in front of a group both increased by 75% in just two short days!”

”On a scale from 1 to 10, if I were to rate how effective I was in gaining enthusiasm from an audience and how confident I was in myself as a speaker, I would rate both a “5”. After 2-days of Fearless Presentations®, I rated myself a solid “10” in both areas!”

Leader’s Institute is looking forward to rolling out Fearless Presentations® to Swarovski’s Providence, RI and Los Angeles, CA offices in 2016.

Michelle Riklan, the instructor for this program, came from our New York office located at 1230 Avenue of the Americas Ste 700, New York, NY 10020. The phone number for this office is (646) 502-5326. For details about a Fearless Presentations ® public speaking class just click the link for New York Public Speaking Classes.

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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