Chris Carouthers Law Firm Custom Presentation Class in Atlanta, Georgia

Doug Staneart  |  10/06/09
last updated

Chris Carouthers Law Firm Custom Presentation Class in Atlanta, Georgia A team from Chris Carouthers & Associates had one of our instructors create a custom presentation class for their Atlanta office. Eleven of their bankruptcy specialists participated in the public speaking class.

Chris Carouthers & Associates is a top-notch law firm specializing in legal assistance and debt relief. Specifically, they focus on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. So, the presentation class was a welcome respite from tax law (even if only for a couple of days!)

This group had a few unique goals for the class. First, they often have to deliver very technical content to clients with a different expertise. (So, speaking in Latin-Law talk is often confusing to people outside of the legal profession.) Second, they are often communicating with clients who are going through a scary ordeal. (The IRS may be after them.) So, it is important to be able to be the persuasive and calming voice in the conversation.

After just a couple of days, we were able to achieve both of these goals. They learned that “the example teaches.” And when they deliver complicated content, examples and stories add clarity. These same examples also give the speaker more credibility on the topic. The listener understands that the speaker’s past successes with the IRS give the client an advantage in this situation as well.

The group had a lot of fun and presented so fantastically. (And I got a few tax tips!)

author Doug Staneart
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last updated
Doug Staneart is the CEO of The Leader's Institute. LLC and founder of the Fearless Presentations class. He is author of Fearless Presentations, Mastering Presentations, and 28 Ways to Influence People.

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